Some projects are meant to be built quickly and are ephemeral, meant only to be briefly captured on film. Other projects are art objects and are meant to be archival, existing in public and private collections under the most intense visual scrutiny. In each of these cases, and in every case in between, we take care to create a plan that considers each unique requirement.
Our services include:
Concept development
Feasibility analysis
Project budgeting
Project designs
Technical designs
3D rendering & printing
Specialty Fabrication & Project Management
CNC milling
Fine carpentry
Metal fabrication, polishing & finishing
Sculpting & mold-making
Prop design & modifications
Scenic painting & custom finishes
Art conservation
Vendor management & quality control
Transportation & installation
Custom crating
Specialty packaging
Logistics coordination
On-site art handling & installation
You can learn more about our overall approach and process for working with clients here.